Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour - Corporate Adventure Treks

Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour-14 Day/s

Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour-14 Day/s

  • (9 Reviews)

Trip Facts

  • Understanding Buddhist religion and culture
  • Experience Buddhism in Nepal
  • Take a guided tour of the ancient civilization


  • Hotels


  • Breakfast




Trip Introduction

Welcome to the birth land of the Gautam Buddha. Join us on our 14-day “Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour” where we take you to the monumental holy Buddhist sites in the world. Combining both natural and cultural aspects of Nepal during the tour. Starting from Kathmandu; the historical, cultural and political centre of Nepal. The people of Kathmandu has its own cultural life, which is based on a unique mixture of different religions and faiths. In Kathmandu, we visit Boudhanath, Swoyambhunath, Kapan Monastery and many other important Buddhist sites of religious significance. Starting our tour from Kathmandu valley we first head to Kritipur, Pharping and Chandragiri.

After that we head towards Namobuddha, one of the most important Buddhist pilgrimage sites in Nepal, located in the Kavrepalanchok district. Here, we will visit the sacred Stupa and Monastery of Namobuddha, where Buddha is believed to have saved a tiger’s life by offering himself as food. Buddhists consider this event one of the most significant in their history.

After visiting Namobuddha, we head towards Pokhara. The Tourist capital of Nepal. In Pokhara, We pay our visit to the World Peace Stupa along with natural sites and the Tibetan Refugee centre to get a firsthand experience of the Tibetan Buddhism lifestyle. After the tour we drive further southwest to the birthplace of Buddha, Lumbini. Devoting one full day in discovering the various cultural and spiritual sites at Lumbini. On our way back to Kathmandu we tour to the traditional city of Bhaktapur and Panauti Village.

The 14 Days “Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour”  exposes you to a combination of natural and cultural holy sites. This tour is customised for those interested in the Buddhist monuments in Nepal. The holy Syambhunath, the birthplace of Gautam Buddha and the sacred site of Namo Buddha. Depending upon your availability we can customise the this religious tour according to your liking.

Day To Day Itinerary

  • Arrival On: Kathmandu
  • Departure from: Tribhuwan International Airport.

Day 1

The first day of our tour starts upon your arrival in Kathmandu. Our representative will standby to receive you in Tribhuwan International Airport. After a few documents formalities and luggage check we will transport you to a hotel as per your booking. Along the way you will be able to take a glimpse of the bustling city life and the holy Pashupatinath temple. In the hotel you will be greeted by refreshing welcome drinks and your luggage taken care for. You will have ample time to relax and adjust to the time zone.

Overnight stay in Kathmandu.


Day 2

We start our sightseeing tour firstly by visiting the holy Pashupatinath temple which is of great significance in Hindu culture. Then we head on to Boudhanath, one of the largest stupas in the world. There we can see many Buddhist pligram mostly of Tibetan origin, we can take part in circumambulations while also visiting the local shops selling Thankas (traditional handmade painting), Statues of deties, souviners and many other goods. After that, a short drive takes us to Kapan Monastery here we can enjoy the serine view of the sunset overlooking the Kathmandu valley. After all the sight seeing tour of the day we head back to our hotel for a good night’s rest.

Overnight in Kathmandu.

Day 3

We start our day with a healthy continental breakfast. Then we prepare for the day’s tour to the Hindu temple of Chandragiri. We take a cable car ride to the top of the hill and enjoy a breathtaking paranomic view of the city and the mountains. On a clear day we will be able to view all the mountains from Chandragiri. After lunch and a short leisure activity atop the hill we head towards the Buddhist monastery of Seto Gumba for a tour around the place. Then we head back to the hotel.

Over night stay at the hotel.

Day 4

A good night’s rest and a refreshing breakfast helps us prepare for our day to the city of Patan. We start our tour from Patan Durbar Square then head inside the Patan museum which once was the palace of Kings of Patan. Then we visit the various temples around Patan. From Patan we head towards another Newari settlement of Kritipur and Pharping.


Lying 23 km south of Kathmandu valley is a small Newari town of Pharping. The main attraction of the place is an elaborate 17-century temple which houses a glided image of Goddess Vajra Yogini. Other fascinating sights here include a cave and a hand-imprint of the Buddhist saint Padmasambhav on the rock face over its entrance.

Another well known temple around this area is “Dakshinkali” temple which is situated about a kilometer from the town. It is one of the main Hindu temples de dedicated to the mother “Goddess Kali”.


The name Kirtipur comes from Sanskrit language in which “Kirti” means Glory and “Pur” city which roughly translates to Glorious city. In another mythology it is said that a queen named ‘Kirti’ ruled over this place so, it might have been named after same queen since ‘Pur’ means city, and it states Kirtipur means city of ‘Kirti’. The Newars are the native of Kritipur or “Kipoo” in their local language.

The then kingdom of Kirtipur valiantly fought the Gorkhas who tried to capture it. It ultimately fell after the third attempt by “Prithvi Narayan Shah”. In the year 2006 A.D the people of this town organized a peaceful mass demonstration which caused for collapse of the king’s power. The city is also known as anti-monarchy city because of the bitter history with the Shah dynasty. Kirtipur is one of the oldest cities of Nepal and is originally dominated by the Newars.

Over night stay at the hotel.

Day 5

On our fifth day we take a bus ride to the tourist capital of Nepal, The beautyfull lake city of Pokhara. Along the way we can see the landscapes, deep gorges along the Seti and Trishuli river. Upon reaching the city we will transport you to the hotel as per your booking. You have the rest of the day free to stroll around the lake side and enjoy the evening till night. The night life is worth visiting while in Pokhara.

Overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 6

Our day starts with a blissful view of Mt. Machhapuchhare which can be view from the hotel itself. After the morning breakfast we visit to the most important Buddhist site, The World Peace Pagoda (1100). Nestled on Anadu Hill overlooking the charming Annapurna Mountain range and the calm waters of Phewa Lake. From atop the Stupa, we can view the various places which we will be visiting later during the day. After spending a peaceful walk around the Stupa, we head to Davi’s fall where we can view the mesmerising waterfall running beneath the city caves. Then we head inwards once of the cave knows as “Gupteshwor Cave [Gufa]”. After touring all the places we can have an evening stroll around the lake side market.

Overnight stay  in the Hotel.

Day 7

Bask in the mesmerizing view of early morning sunrise from Sarangkot and enroute to visit bindabasini Temple. The view from Sarangkot is a great way to experience the beauty of the Annapurna range. It is suitable for families and offers a taste of the Himalayan experience. The stunning views, beautiful panoramic landscapes, and warm hospitality of the local people make the Sunrise Trip to Sarangkot worth-while for anyone visiting Pokhara.


  • Experience a breathtaking sunrise over the Annapurna range and stunning mountain vistas from Sarangkot hilltop.
  • Enjoy a scenic drive or hike to Sarangkot with opportunities to observe local life and scenic beauty.
  • Take in the fresh mountain air and peaceful atmosphere at Sarangkot.
  • Capture stunning photographs of the sunrise and panoramic views from Sarangkot.
  • Visit nearby traditional villages and learn about the cultural heritage and lifestyle of the local people.

Bindabasini Temple:

Bindabasini Temple, one of the many fascinating attractions in Pokhara, stands atop a hill near Bagar. The temple premise offers a spectacular view of the famous Machapuchare Mountain as well as part of the magnificent Annapurna range. The white pagoda-style temple is dedicated to Goddess Durga who is said to be the chosen as a guardian deity of Pokhara. It is believed that this deity was brought to the city of Pokhara by King Siddhi Narayan Shah of Kaski before the unification of Nepal. The pleasant park-like atmosphere surrounding the historic temple provides a great place to relax and enjoy a picnic with the family and friends.

Common belief about Goddess Bindhyabasini:

Goddess Bindhyabasini is commonly believed by the residents of Miruwa that she is the replacement for the eighth child (Lord Krishna) of Devaki and Vasudeva. When Kansa tried to kill the child, who’s been exchanged, she herself a Devi disappears and is in fact goddess Bindhyabasini.

Overnight in Pokhara.

Day 8

After an early morning breakfast, we drive to the birth land of Gautam Buddha. A 6 hours’ drive take us to the city of Lumbini. From there you will be transported to your hotel as per your booking. You have the whole evening to yourself for adjusting and leisure activities.

Overnight stay at a hotel in Lumbini.

Day 9

The tour of Lumbini start with a visit to Maya Devi temple the birth place of Gautam Buddha. It is one of the most significant holy site of the Buddhist people. In the surrounding area of the temple you can find the “Ashok Pillar ” which is an affidavit inscribed by Emperor Ashoka. This divine for Buddhists are accompanied by the Bodhi tree and Mayadevi Pond for pilgrams within its premises. We shall also visit the various temple and monastery built by various countries across the world including Myanmar golden temple, China temple, Korean temple, Cambodian monastery and Royal Thai Monastery. Later, we will visit the one of the two World Peace Pagoda, also called “Nipponzan Peace Pagoda which is a remarkable symbol of Peace.

Overnight stay at a hotel in Lumbini.

Day 10

After completing our two major tour which was the highlight of this tour we head back to Kathmandu. Upon reachinng Kathmandu we can head back to our hotel or visit Namo Buddha.

Namo Buddha:

Namo Buddha is a famous Buddhist pilgrimage site situated near Panauti in Kavre district. Buddhist legend has it that one of the earlier Buddhas once came across a tigress who had given birth to cubs, but she was so frail and weak that she could not go out hunting, after seeing that in utmost piety, the kind Buddha offered his own flesh to the tigress to keep her and the cubs alive. There is a small stupa built in reverence to the ultimate sacrifice of the Buddha. Buddhist holy books narrate tales of several Buddhas before the arrival of Siddhartha Gautam Buddha, the Enlightened One.

Overnight stay at Namobuddha.


Day 11

Panauti also consists of various Buddhist as well as Hindu religious monuments, and it is one of the area’s most important medieval sites.

The settlement of Panauti lies between the confluence of two rivers, Rosi and Punyamati, which are believed to have religious importance since early time. Visitors often take a bath in those rivers believing it will free them from sins and anxieties. There is another belief that except those two rivers, a third river named Lilawati also converges making it tri-junction called Triveni. But Lilawati is said to be visible to sheers and intellectuals only. The very presence of all these rivers has enhanced the religious value and popularity of Panauti.  With this account, on every festive occasion, many devotees from around the country pays a visit and takes bath in rivers and plays homage to Indreshwor Mahadev Temple and several other holy sites of the area.

After taking a tour of Panauti we drive to Bhaktpur, City of Devotees – The city is a treasure trove of artistic creations displayed on the temples and monuments of the city. This city was one of the three main kingdoms of ancient “Nepa”. Here we can see the palace of the King of Bhaktapur. The rich cultural heritage surrounding the town is a great example of people still following their tradition norms and values. After an optional stroll around the city, we check in our hotel in Bhaktapur.

Overnight stay in Bhaktapur.

Day 12


Bhaktapur Durbar Square is an elegant and open space facing south surrounded by buildings dating from the 13th century to the 18th century. The 15th century Palace of 55 Carved Windows called Pachpanna Jhyale Durbar and the palace entrance, the Golden Gate – a masterpiece in repoussé art, have added splendor to this palace square. The extraordinary Durbar Square with its extraordinary monuments reflects the glory days of the Malla dynasty when art and architecture thrived in the three cities of the valley.

In front of the palace, building are innumerable temples and architectural showpieces like the Lion Gate, the statue of King Bhupatindra Malla mounted on a giant stone pillar and the Batsala Temple. The stone temple of Batsala Devi is full of intricate carvings and is a beautiful example of Shikhara-style architecture. There is a bronze bell on the terrace of the temple, which is also known as the Bell of Barking Dogs. Erected by King Ranjit Malla in 1737, its sounding announced the beginning and end of a daily curfew.

NYATAPOLA TEMPLE: The unique temple of Bhaktapur, the Nyatapola literally means ‘five storied’ and rises above the city’s landscape as a remarkable landmark. It also has the distinction of having withstood the devastating earthquake of 1933. Dedicated to a Tantric goddess, the steps leading up to the temple are flanked by stone sculptures of deities and mythical beasts, each 10 times more powerful than the one immediately below.

BHAIRAVNATH TEMPLE: Dedicated to Bhairav, the God of Terror, the three-storied temple of Bhairavnath has only the head of Bhairav in the inner sanctum. Legend has it that the Bhairav’s head was cut off by a Tantric expert to keep him in Bhaktapur. Built-in pagoda style, the temple is noted for its artistic grandeur and stands adjacent to the famous five-storied Nyatapola Temple.

DATTATREYA SQUARE takes its name from the Dattatreya Temple dedicated to a three-headed combination of the Hindu deities Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. This temple is said to have been built from the trunk of a single tree. Near this temple is a monastery with exquisitely carved peacock windows.

CHANGU NARAYAN TEMPLE (World Heritage Monument):

It is situated on a ridge overlooking Bhaktapur, about 12 km to the east of Kathmandu. Dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu. It is one of the oldest know pagoda architecture in the valley. The temple dating from the Licchavi period is embellished with exquisite wood and stone carvings.

Day 13

We start or day by driving to Budanilkantha. From there we can vist Narayanthan Temple where we can see a large reclining statue of Lord Vishnu. From the temple we will prepare for a short hike upwards to Shivapuri National Park and to Nagi Gumba. Upon reaching the entrance of the national park we ready our tickets and hike 4 km uphill to Nagi Gumba, a Buddhist Monastery situated at the very top of the hill. From the monastery we can see the diverse flora and fauna surrounding the National Park the trail leading up to the monastery is well know among avid bird watchers.

Overnight stay in hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 14

After a healthy breakfast and memorable farewell program you check out from the hotel. We will transport you to Tribhuwan International Airport approx. 3hrs before your departure.

We thank you for choosing Corporate Adventure Treks as your trusted Travel Partner in Nepal. We hope to see you soon for your next adventure in Nepal.

What's Included

  • Assistance upon arrival at the airport by our office representative.
  • All necessary transport by tourist bus or private vehicle as per the itinerary.
  • All the flights.
  • 04 nights twin/double room accommodation as per booking in Kathmandu on bed & breakfast basis.
  • 01 nights twin/double room accommodation as per the above Hotel in Namobuddha on bed & breakfast basis.
  • 03 nights twin/double room accommodation as per booking in Pokhara on bed & breakfast basis.
  • 02 nights twin/double room accommodation as per booking in Lumbini on bed & breakfast basis.
  • 02 nights twin/double room accommodation as per booking in Bhaktapur on bed & breakfast basis.
  • All sightseeing tours and transfers as per the above itinerary with our local English-speaking guide.
  • All entrance fees to monuments and heritage sites.
  • All government taxes, Vat, tourist Service and official expenses.

What's Not Included

  • International Airfare and taxes.
  • Lunch and dinner whilst in Kathamandu, NamobuddhaPokhara and Lumbini.
  • Bottled and alcoholic drinks during breakfast and dinners.
  • Tipping while on tour or to guides (Tips).
  • Personal expenses.
  • Any insurance
  • Nepal entry visa – you can obtain a visa easily upon your arrival at the Tribhuwan International Airport in Kathmandu. (Tourist Visa with Multiple Entries for 15 days can be obtained by paying US $ 25 or equivalent foreign currency. Similarly, Tourist Visa with Multiple Entries for 30 days and 90 days can be obtained by paying US $40 and $ 100 respectively. Please bring 2 copies of passport size photos).
  • All Items of Personal nature like drink, Laundry etc.
  • Single room supplement on request.
  • Others expenses not mentioned in the Price Includes section?